A Celebrity…

Time marches on.

Some days I feel like a celebrity and other days I’m glad that not many know of me.

I am living life apparently

Sometimes perched in a recliner that I am told is in a rural town in Michigan

Then things get glamorous and I find myself looking at the ocean.

Is there anything that stays the same?

Is there any point to anything or am I just coasting up and down in a boat without any rows?

The dogs insist it is time to go out. We must follow the directions of the Universe by always doing the most obvious and spontaneous thing

Just Jenny

Lately I have been expanding.

It started when I published my book, Lithium Lilies: http://amzn.to/3zaE8tE

I sold a few books and then I thought that I would try to expand my reach. I dabbled or maybe dwelled on many social media sites.

But now it is too much. I want to just have one place that I can go and share everything.

I have 4 blogs but this is the blog where I have been the most authentic. When I want to talk in first person in great detail about my life this is where I come.

We are back in Baja and I am grateful if not a little hypomanic. My mom is coming to visit me next month and I am stressing a little because I want her visit to be perfect. Hopefully Mexico will speak for itself.

Right now I am blogging because I felt the need to write. The dogs are waiting anxiously for their walk on the beach. I am trying to figure out where to put my focus.

I have a lot of free time but I feel like I should pick one thing and do that very well rather than do five things in a mediocre way.

I am leaning towards focusing on my Instagram account because it is very visual and yet social at the same time. Tik Tok is fun and that is where I like to post videos. Facebook is where friends and family are.

I have some thinking to do but I know that I am right where I belong.